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  • Yuen, E. Y., Li, E. Y., & Ho Misiaszek, K (2023, October), Cross-Cultural Community-Based Interventions: Capturing Belonging and Building Resilience Between Race, Culture, and Mental Health. Invited Panel Presentation at the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry’s 70th Annual Meeting, New York, NY
  • Ho Misiaszek, K (2023, April), Youth Anxiety: An Introduction and Strategies for Parents. Invited Speaker at St. Thomas Episcopal Parish School’s Parent University, Coral Gables, FL 
  • Ho Misiaszek, K. (2022, April). Dynamics and Implications of Age Gaps in Intimate Relationships. Invited Panel Discussant for the Center for HIV and Research in Mental Health, Miami, FL
  • Ho Misiaszek, K. (2022, March). Resilience: The Biology of Stress and The Science of Hope. Invited Panel Discussant at Coral Gables United Church of Christ, Coral Gables, FL
  • Ho Misiaszek, K. & Epstein, C. (2021, November). The Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI):A Brief, Evidence Based Early Intervention for Traumatized Children and Families. Roundtable presentation presented at the 5th Caribbean Regional Conference in U.S. Virgin Islands, via Zoom.
  • Ho Misiaszek, K. (2021, February). The Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI): An Overview. Invited presentation presented to the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA) staff in Kingston, Jamaica via Zoom.
  • Ho Misiaszek, K. (2020, February). The Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI): An Overview. Yale Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine- Psychology Fellows Case Conference, New Haven, CT.
  • Ho Misiaszek, K. (2019, October). Chinese Jamaicans, Immigration, and Identity. Invited panel presentation presented at the 4th annual New York Hakka Conference, New York, NY.
  • Ho Misiaszek, K. (2018, November) Chinese Jamaican Immigrant Experience in The U.S. and Identity Construction. Paper presentation presented at the 4th Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychology, Kingston, Jamaica.
  • Ho Misiaszek, K & Crehan, A. (2018, March). Youth Exposure to Family Violence. Presented at Palm Beach County Youth Services, West Palm Beach, FL.
  • Ho Misiaszek, K. (2017, April). Chinese Jamaicans: A Tapestry That is Continuously Being Woven. Paper presentation presented at the Center for Latin American Studies’ Tri-University Graduate Student Conference, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Ho, K. (2016, November). The role of identity and positive caregiver relationships in fostering ethnically diverse children’s well-being and development: An overview of children’s branch. Poster session presented at the International Association for the Study of Attachment Conference, Miami, FL.
  • Ho, K. (2015, August). Religion and Developmental Psychopathology. Symposium presentation: Religion as a Context of Development at the American Psychological Association’s Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.
  • Ho, K. (2014, November).  An exploratory mind map of children’s experiences and identity in a racial and ethnic socialization program. Poster session presented at the 2nd Caribbean Regional Conference of Psychology, Paramaribo, Suriname.
  • Ho, K. (2014, September). Giving Voice to Children: An exploratory study on young children’s experiences in a racial and ethnic socialization program. Roundtable Presentation at the Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment’s 2nd Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
  • Ho, K. (2014, May) Nourishing the Whole Child: How can we take a preventive approach to children’s mental health and overall well-being while enhancing their performance in school? Individual presentation for the Teacher’s Mental Health Training Program,  L’Archaie, Haiti


  • Dixon, K. E., Layne, C. M., Ho Misiaszek, K. S. & Golden, C. (2024) Interpersonal, Not Existential, Adversities Predict Post-War Deterioration in Youth Social Support – Conditionally accepted pending changes made and resubmitted
  • Layne, C. M., Ho Misiaszek, K. S., Barrientos,  B. A., Ahmad, A., André, K., Gellman, J., Golden, C., & Schapiro, S. (2024). Prolonged Grief in Bereaved Children and Adolescents: Developmental Features, Assessment, and Intervention. In K. J. Doka & A. S. Tucci (Eds.), Understanding Prolonged Grief Disorder, pp. 25-50 & 134-142. Hospice Foundation of America. ISBN: 978-1-893349-27-8
  • DeSouza, F., Ho Misiaszek, K., Hillman, B., & Quan, K. (2023) Rooted in Transitions: Supporting the Mental Health of Caribbean Migrants Moving to the United States. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 62(10), doi:
  • Yuen, E. Y., Li, E. Y., & Ho Misiaszek, K (2023, October), Cross-Cultural Community-Based Interventions: Capturing Belonging and Building Resilience Between Race, Culture, and Mental Health.  Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 62(10S)
  • Quan, K., Ho Misiaszek, K., & DeSouza, F (2022) 4 Ways to Help Immigrant and International College Students Deal With Acculturative Stress. Psychiatric Times.
  • Bernal, D.R., Ho Misiaszek, K., Ayala, J. et al. (2022). Second-class citizens? Subjective social status, acculturative stress, and immigrant well-being. SN Social Sciences 2(96), doi:
  • Ho Misiaszek, K. (2019). Behavior Assessment System for Children, 3rd Edition. In: Volkmar F.R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Springer, New York, NY
  • Nicolas, G., Byer, K., & Ho, K. (2015). Implementing culturally sensitive and sustainable mental health programs internationally: Lessons from Haiti. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 8(4), 446-457
  • Ali, A., Mowry, R., & Ho, K. (2011). Collective action and emancipatory aims: Applying principles of feminist practice in a shelter for domestic violence survivors with disabilities. In Barbara Fiduccia Papers on Women with Disabilities.